Warranty Policy


ShomiLibatt Pvt. Ltd. (Company) provides the following warranty to LiKraft Lead Acid Battery (Battery) from the date of purchase invoice by the buyer from company.

LKTN12-2812+1 Months


  1. The Battery is warranted against manufacturing defects only, which includes first 3 months bulging arising during warranty period and the warranty is limited to all defects arising from the use of faulty material or poor workmanship. In no event shall the Company be liable for any special, indirect, consequential, or other damages of a like general nature, including, without limitation, loss of profits or production, or loss or expenses of any nature incurred by the Customer or any third party.
  2. The warranty is non-transferrable.
  3. The warranty is valid in the territory of the INDIA. Indian law is applicable law of the interpretation of this warranty and possible disputes that result from.
  4. At the time of sale, the seller must fill in all necessary information like date of sale of Battery, Vehicle Details, Vehicle Type and Registration number of vehicle, Customer name, Address, Phone number in invoice by the seller with their Stamp.

(A). The battery will not be considered as defective, if in standard warranty period it’s capacity does not decrease below 80% of it’s nominal capacity due to manufacturing defect. Simultaneously it must be remembered that gradual capacity loss of the battery is completely natural phenomenon associated with its operation and can not be subject to complaint.

  1. The terms and conditions of warranty shall be governed by the invoice provided by the seller along with Battery only. Any additional warranty period or other terms of warranty mentioned in the Invoice of any unauthorized persons or legal entities shall not be valid for the purpose of adjudication of Warranty.
  2. In the event of any complaint, Customer will have to send the Battery with original Invoice to seller at their own cost. The recharged / repaired / replaced Battery shall be collected by the Customer from the same point after completion of testing. The right to determine whether a Battery needs recharge or repair or replacement rests with the Company. One way transportation expenses (company to seller) on the battery under repair or replacement will have to be borne by the company. Please note, if no fault is found with the battery, both sides of transportation expenses will be borne by the seller only.
  3. The warranty for the Battery being replaced during the warranty period shall commence from the ‘Date of purchase invoice from the company’ of the defective Battery as stated in its original Invoice only, not from the date of replacement. The seller shall mention date of replacement, replaced battery serial number in original invoice of defective Battery and return it to Customer. Seller shall retain copy of the invoice of replaced Battery and copy of defective battery invoice for sending it to Company.
  4. Defective Battery becomes property of the Company in case of replacement provided during the warranty period. No Scrap rate will be given to the Customer.
  5. In the event of any Battery model being discontinued by the Company, the Company reserves the right to settle warranty replacement with alternate model of Battery.
  6. De-mineralized water for top-up or Recharging of Battery, which would be billed extra.
  7. All liabilities under this warranty will cease if the battery is:
  8. Transferred to a third party or to any other equipment/system/vehicle.
  9. Used in any application other than that specified by the Company application chart.
  10. Used in non-vehicular applications.
  11. Damaged due to fitment of additional accessories other than the original fitment.
  12. Out of warranty, period.
  13. Overwriting/Rewriting on date of sale mentioned in on original Warranty Card.
  14. Removal, obliteration, or alternation of original barcode on Battery and Warranty Card.
  15. The warranty does not cover:
  16. Damage to the battery caused by faulty electrical systems, improper handling, servicing by unauthorized dealers/ technicians, willful abuse, destruction by fire, collision, theft, or recharging.
  17. Breakage of container and cover.
  18. If battery grade demineralized water is not added on time.
  19. Found to have additives, dopes, or anything other than Battery grade De-mineralized water.
  20. Given on a rental basis.

Customers are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the above-mentioned conditions of the warranty at the time of purchase and agreed to follow guidelines for Installation or usage or maintenance of the Battery.

In the event of any dispute or difference or claims arising out of or in connection with or incidental to the terms and conditions, the Company and/or Customer shall approach to get the dispute adjudicated only to the courts of competent jurisdiction situated at New Delhi, India.


  1. User need not open vent plugs.
  2. The battery should be firmly secured in the cradle.

Please ensure that the cable clamps fit tightly and properly on the terminals. A loosely held battery vibrates and bounces, causing damage to the container and plates.

  1. Connections must be made in the right polarity.
  2. The top of the battery must be kept clean and dry.

Vaseline should be applied to cable clamps and terminals. Never apply grease. Terminal corrosion, dirt and moisture cause loss of power and make the battery weak.

  1. Battery open circuit voltage checked regularly. A faulty electrical system will damage the battery.
  2. To get maximum life, it is advised that checks listed under point no. 5 be carried out once every 3 months.


  1. Keep away from sparks, cigarettes, and open flames.

These can cause explosions.

  1. Avoid metallic contact across the terminals as this can result in short circuit and sparking.
  2. Do not use any Battery additives or dopes.
  3. Keep the top surface of the Battery clean and dry.

Always use moist cotton cloth only. Never use woolen/silk or synthetic cloth, it can create spark.

  1. Do not tilt the Battery in usage or transportation.
  2. Keep out of reach of children.


Statutory Notice on Battery disposal:

In accordance with the Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF notification on Battery Management and Handling Rules (BMHR), 2001, it shall be the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that used batteries are not disposed of in any manner other than depositing with the Dealer, Manufacturer, Importer, Assembler, Registered Recycler or Re-conditioner or at the designated collection centres.